Dubai Media Incorporated

Dubai Media Incorporated (DMI) achieved through its multiple media channels (press, radio and TV) remarkable success and prestigious status on the level of media in the Arab world. DMI is a pioneering media organization focused on innovation, quality and working in line with the strategic objectives of the Government of Dubai. Under its umbrella, DMI comprises a number of print, radio and TV channels including: Dubai TV, Al Bayan newspaper, Sama Dubai, Dubai One, Dubai Sports, Dubai Racing, Noor Dubai Radio & TV, Emarat Al Youm, Emirates 24|7, and Masar Printing Press. The various TV, radio and press channels operate to provide quality materials each according to its competence and in accordance with a comprehensive strategy to meet the aspirations of all segments of the public in various categories and ages.

See below for the latest Dubai Media Incorporated News, Analysis, Profit Results, Share Price Information and Commentary

Dubai Media Incorporated brings home win at GovMedia Conference & Awards for newspaper initiative

Its Hotline initiative registers humanitarian assistance requests from citizens and publishes them in the newspaper.

Dubai Media Incorporated brings home win at GovMedia Conference & Awards for newspaper initiative

Its Hotline initiative registers humanitarian assistance requests from citizens and publishes them in the newspaper.