
Activate Interactive lands two wins at GovMedia Conference & Awards

Its suite of apps has proven to be effective in meeting the goals of its target audiences.

Activate Interactive lands two wins at GovMedia Conference & Awards

Its suite of apps has proven to be effective in meeting the goals of its target audiences.

How governments can seize the GenAI opportunity

Generative AI (GenAI) took the world by storm, mainly with the release of ChatGPT in late 2022. This next generation of artificial intelligence (AI) can generate content — such as text, images and videos — across domains without much data or human guidance, based on a given prompt or context.

Draft GenAI Framework mirrors Singapore’s broader AI governance efforts

This, however, falls short in prescribing specific practices.

Accenture wins National Digital Initiative of the Year - Singapore at GovMedia Awards 2023

Its groundbreaking project, Project Blue Skies, represents a significant leap forward in revolutionising citizen experiences through the integration of cloud technology, agile delivery, and user-centric design. 

Manufacturers innovate, reformulate drinks to meet Nutri-Grade labelling regulations

The Grade-labelling identifies beverages based on their sugar and saturated fat content.

What can other governments learn from Singapore’s pandemic policies

It implemented measures to support businesses including covering 75% of the employees’ wages.